Donor Response to IRS Proposed Rule

Thank you for making me aware of that proposal, and for making it easy for me to write a response.  I did respond and I stand by what I said to them:

I have great concern about donors needing to provide personal identification such as addresses and social security numbers. If people who want to donate to non-profits are expected to provide those organizations their social security numbers, people will not want to donate. If the non-profits have to file reports listing donors' social security numbers and addresses and providing the donors copies of these forms every tax year, the non-profits' administrative costs will increase while their revenues decrease.

Perhaps there is concern about taxpayers claiming donations to non-profit organizations in fraudulent ways. This is a concern that does need to be addressed as tax fraud is not acceptable. What if instead of having donors provide SSNs, a form could be created especially for non-profits to use to provide to their donors that the donors would then need to provide when they claim the donations on their own taxes? Work on making this form a requirement for donors when they claim the tax deductions rather than putting the burden on the non-profit organizations. If a taxpayers claims to have donated over a certain amount to non-profit organizations, he or she should be able to produce the "receipt" that ONLY non-profits should be able to obtain and certify. The non-profit organizations should be keeping careful records of donations by date and amount, so if an audit is conducted, records can be examined.

Non-profits serve every community, and they serve the people who need it most. Please do not make it more difficult for them to obtain the funds they need by discouraging donors from donating due to concerns about identify theft. Our communities will wither and die if our non-profit organizations are crushed financially. Children, elderly, those who are mentally and physically challenged, veterans, and those whose opportunities are most limited are the ones who will suffer if our nation's non-profit organizations dwindle into oblivion. Please fix what is broken, not what is working.



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